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1 coin /ˈkoɪn/ noun
plural coins
1 coin
plural coins
Britannica Dictionary definition of COIN
: a small, flat, and usually round piece of metal issued by a government as money

the other/opposite/flip side of the coin

: a different way of looking at or thinking about a situation

toss/flip a coin

: to decide something by throwing a coin up in the air and seeing which side is shown after it lands

two sides of the same coin

: two things that are regarded as two parts of the same thing
2 coin /ˈkoɪn/ verb
coins; coined; coining
2 coin
coins; coined; coining
Britannica Dictionary definition of COIN
[+ object]
: to create (a new word or phrase) that other people begin to use
◊ The phrase to coin a phrase is sometimes used in a joking way to say that you know you are using a very common expression.
: to make (money in the form of coins)

coin it

British, informal or coin money
: to earn a lot of money quickly or easily