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1 elbow /ˈɛlˌboʊ/ noun
plural elbows
1 elbow
plural elbows
Britannica Dictionary definition of ELBOW
: the joint where your arm bends see picture at human
: the part of a piece of clothing that covers the elbow
: something (such as a pipe or a piece of food) that is bent like an elbow see picture at plumbing

at someone's elbow

: next to someone : at someone's side

give (someone) the elbow

British, informal
: to end a relationship with someone : to tell someone to go away

rub elbows

see 1rub
2 elbow /ˈɛˌboʊ/ verb
elbows; elbowed; elbowing
2 elbow
elbows; elbowed; elbowing
Britannica Dictionary definition of ELBOW
: to push or shove (someone) with your elbow
[+ object]
sometimes used figuratively
[no object]
◊ If you elbow your way through a crowd, you move ahead by pushing and forcing people to move out of the way.