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1 season /ˈsiːzn̩/ noun
plural seasons
1 season
plural seasons
Britannica Dictionary definition of SEASON
[count] : one of the four periods (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) into which the year is commonly divided
: a particular period of time during the year: such as
[count] : a period of time when a particular sport is being played
see also off-season, postseason, preseason
: a period of time when a particular event, process, activity, etc., occurs
[count, noncount] : a period of time when people are legally allowed to hunt, fish, etc.
see also open season
[count, noncount] : the time of the year during which something grows and can be harvested
: a time of the year during which a particular type of weather usually happens
[singular] : a time of the year when a new fashion, color, hair style, etc., is popular
[noncount] : a period of time when a series of new television shows, plays, etc., are being shown or performed

in season/out of season

◊ When fruits and vegetables are in season, it is the time of year when they are being harvested and are easily available. When they are out of season, they are not being harvested in a place near you and are more difficult or expensive to get.
◊ When animals, fish, etc., are in season, it is the time of year when they can be legally hunted, caught, etc. When they are out of season, they cannot be legally hunted, caught, etc.

Season's Greetings

used in writing as a greeting in the time of year when Christmas and several other holidays happen near each other
2 season /ˈsiːzn̩/ verb
seasons; seasoned; seasoning
2 season
seasons; seasoned; seasoning
Britannica Dictionary definition of SEASON
: to add salt, pepper, spices, etc., to (something) to give it more flavor
[+ object]
[no object]
[+ object] : to make (wood) ready for use by slowly drying it