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1 tackle /ˈtækəl/ noun
plural tackles
1 tackle
plural tackles
Britannica Dictionary definition of TACKLE
[noncount] : equipment that is used for a particular activity (especially fishing)
[count] sports : the act of tackling another player: such as
American football or rugby : the act of forcing the player who has the ball to fall to the ground
soccer, field hockey, etc. : the act of trying to get the ball from an opposing player
[count] American football
: either one of two players on the offensive team who play in positions on the line of scrimmage next to the guards
: either one of two players on the defensive team who play in positions near the center of the line of scrimmage see also nose tackle
[count, noncount] : an arrangement of ropes and wheels used for lifting or pulling something heavy see also block and tackle
[noncount] British, informal : a man's sexual organs
2 tackle /ˈtækəl/ verb
tackles; tackled; tackling
2 tackle
tackles; tackled; tackling
Britannica Dictionary definition of TACKLE
[+ object]
: to forcefully seize (someone) and cause that person to fall to the ground
American football or rugby : to force (the player with the ball) to fall to the ground
soccer, field hockey, etc. : to try to get the ball from (an opposing player who has it)
: to deal with (something difficult)

— tackler

/ˈtækəlɚ/ noun, plural tacklers [count]